středa 19. prosince 2012

Pronunciation tips
Unit 1: Key and Pin
phonemic symbols
Click the listen button to hear each word below. They all have the same /I/ sound as pin. The most common spelling for the sound is the letter i. When you think you can identify the sound click continue.

úterý 18. prosince 2012

The Alphabet

The Alphabet
Names of vowels

Names of consonants



Days of the week 

Months of the year 

Numbers 1-1,000,000


The Phonetic Chart

This web page is for people interested in learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols. This is a useful skill for learners and teachers of English who may want to check the pronunciation of a word in a dictionary. Use the phonetic chart to learn the sounds of English. Then do a quiz to see how well you have learnt them.
Click here for more English practice activities.

For more English practice activities visit You will find free practice tests for TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, 

pondělí 26. listopadu 2012


Step 1
 a A  
 i I  
 o O  
 u U  
Step 2

Step 3
More vowels


Step 4


Step 5
Clusters of
Step 6
Clusters of
Step 7
More vowel
Step 8
clusters 2
Step 9
clusters 2
Step 10
other spellings
Appendix Days of the weekMonths of the yearNumbers 1-1,000,000

čtvrtek 8. listopadu 2012



Have a Go
Play 6 of 500+ games online today.
See how each game takes your child systematically through the synthetic phonics process to become a confident reader and speller!
By joining Phonics Hero, your child will be able to access 3 games per day, you will get a report table showing how your child did, and you will get heaps of advice from our experts. Join Phonics Hero for free!
Skill 1 - Knowing the sounds
Children learn a group of sounds, and learn to associate each sound with a letter or group of letters.

Here children are swatting the flies to learn the first eight sounds: s, m, t, c, g, p, a, o.
Skill 2 - Reading words with the first eight sounds
Children then learn to blend (or glue) the sounds together to read unknown words.

Here children have to blend each word to read the word and help the ghost find his tree!
Skill 3 - Spelling words with the first eight sounds
Next children are taught to listen for the sounds in a word and to represent each sound with a letter or letters. The child says the word  'pot' and identifies that they can hear a 'p' sound which is represented by the letter 'P', an 'o' sound represented by the letter 'O', and so on...
With each correct answer, watch Giraffe's neck grow for the yummy ice cream!
Skill 4 - Reading irregular, high frequency camera words
Irregular, high frequency words, such as 'the' and 'was' are tricky to read but are essential to learn because they occur so often in children's books. At Phonics Hero we call these camera words.
Here children read the camera words to help the witch make her magic potion.

Skill 5 - Spelling irregular, high frequency camera words
Children learn to spell these irregular, high frequency words so they can move onto writing sentences.
Here, children are spelling camera words to slime the babysitter!

Skill 6 - Reading sentences
We put all these skills together to read sentences and stories, and to begin developing a love for reading!
Here, children read the sentences to help herd the cows.

Try some Phonics Hero games to understand how the theory of synthetic phonics is put into practice. 

Lắng nghe Âm thanh - Unit 1
Nhấp vào nút bên phải cho một giới thiệu âm thanh ngắn cho giáo viên. Khi nghe các clip âm thanh dưới đây, hãy chắc chắn để cho phép một để kết thúc trước khi bắt đầu!
/ S /
nakene tnut s
/ A /một pplemột ntb g
/ T /dòng xoáySPO t sen t
/ I /nsectt i nm i lk
/ P /mộtli pcu p
/ N /etpi n sfa n
/ K /att cpi c ni c
/ K /s k ipiss
/ K /du ckClo ck sbu ck et
/ E /ggp e nb e lt
/ H /hentệ nạn
/ R /tạiipt r ain
© Debbie Hepplewhite 2007